Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Design for a Christmas card, 1943


SKU: 9407
Signed ‘E.F.’ (i.e. Evelyn Folley). Inscribed with printer instructions. Pen and Ink

Height – 20.3cm x Width – 12.7cm

1 in stock


The Artists Family

Literature: Christopher Campbell-Howes Evelyn Dunbar: A Life in Painting October 2016 pp 314/5 

Dunbar and her husband Roger Folley (an RAF officer in 1943) produced their own Christmas cards from 1942 until 1959, the year before Dunbar’s death. Roger Folley had introduced Dunbar to rock-climbing in 1941. An agile and venturesome woman, she turned out to be surprisingly adept at it. 
The setting for Dunbar’s design is Almscliffe Crag, an outcrop not far from Harrogate, North Yorkshire, and the pitch, well-known to rock climbers, is called The Pinnacle Flake. In fact it is much less vertiginous than Dunbar makes it appear: the entire climb takes about 12 minutes. Roger Folley had known Almscliffe Crag from his Leeds student days and had introduced Dunbar to it at some time during his RAF leaves. 
The texts in their Christmas cards were never conventional: to accompany Dunbar’s drawing, they chose an extract from The Pilgrim’s Progress in which the hero Christian arrives at the foot of the Hill Difficulty:
This Hill, though high, I covet to ascend;
The difficulty will not offend;
For I perceive the way to life lies here;
Come, pluck up, Heart; let’s neither faint nor fear:
Better, tho’ difficult; th’ right way to go,
Than wrong, though easy, where the end is wo.
Below the hands and the millstone grit the river Wharfe flows, with a suggestion of fields neatly enclosed by drystone walls. As in most of Dunbar’s work, agriculture is never far away.

There may be an element of topical commentary. 

By the end of 1943 World War 2 was beginning at last to turn in Britain’s and her allies’ favour, a prospect brightened by the increasingly effective participation of the USA. 
Was the ‘helping hand’ from across the Atlantic as much in their consciousness as the helping hand to reach the top of Almscliffe Crag? 
Dunbar’s measurement instruction requires the printer to reduce the final size. She often drew large, knowing that a reduction in the print size would tighten her image up. 
There is a complete collection of the Dunbar/Folley Christmas cards in the Tate archive.

We are grateful to Christopher Campbell Howes for his assistance.

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Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Mahoney, Charles
Dunbar, Evelyn &


SKU: 9407

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Design for a Christmas card, 1943


SKU: 8794

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Sketch for Iris japonica (Ledgers Variety) for Gardeners Choice
SKU: 8500

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Lilium Hansoni, design for Gardeners Choice
SKU: 8475

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Ranunculus aconitifolius fl. pl., for Gardeners Choice


SKU: 6896

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Platycodon grandiflorum Mariesii, design for page 137, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6893

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Lilium croceum and Lilium Hansonii, preliminary design for page 117, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6894

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Vinca minor, design for page 197, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6847

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Rosa (old roses)
SKU: 6848

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Melittis Melissophyllum, design for Gardeners Choice
SKU: 6850

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Lilium Hansoni, design for Gardeners Choice
SKU: 6843

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Dicentra Exima
SKU: 6845

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Dodecatheon Meadia
SKU: 6832

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Oxalis adenophylla, design for page 129, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6833

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Phytoplacca decandra, design for page 133, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6834

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Campanula Rapunculoides


SKU: 6835

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Platycodon grandiflorum Mariesii, design for page 137, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6828

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Cyclamen Neapolitanum, design for Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6821

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Vinca minor, design for page 197, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6822

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Geranium armenum, design for page 95, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6825

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Melittis Melissophyllum, design for page 125, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6818

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Senecio Greyi and S. laxiflorus, design for page 175, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6805

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Lilium croceum and Lilium Hansonii, design for page 121, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6806

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Veronica gentianoides, design for page 193, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6811

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Verbascum phœniceum, design for page 187, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6812

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Iris japonica Ledger’s Variety, design for page 113, Gardeners Choice 1937


SKU: 6802

Mahoney, Charles Dunbar, Evelyn & ()

Agapanthus Umbellatus Mooreanus
