Art for Sale

Our gallery is exclusively online and offers around 1500 works of art for sale.  We do not have a showroom or participate in art fairs. This leaves us free to follow our passions with frequent online themed exhibitions
offering museum quality art at affordable prices by some of the greatest talents of the Twentieth Century. Most of our art is sourced directly from artists’ estates and from private collections.

 We show prices on as many of our works as possible. Forthcoming indicates that a work is being held back for an ongoing project or exhibition. Please enquire to know more about a works future availability.

Price: - slider
SKU: 4385

Stanley Lewis (1905 - 2009)

Small Study of Paint Brushes, 1960


SKU: 9101

Karl Hagedorn (1889 - 1969)

Still-life with Plant


SKU: 11513

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Artist Sketching


SKU: 10026

Hubert Arthur Finney (1905 - 1991)

Cat, circa 1950


SKU: 8474
Nos Chefs – General de Castelnau, General Joffre, General Pau circa 1916


SKU: 4300

Edward Halliday (1902 - 1984)

Head of a hunting dog, c.1930


SKU: 4569

John Cecil Stephenson (1889 - 1965)

Kneeling nude, c.1940


SKU: 7689

Kenneth Rowntree (1915 - 1997)

Study of fences and telegraph pole


SKU: 10159

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Study related to April


SKU: 4594

Lt Richard Barrett Talbot Kelly (1896 - 1971)

Forward Observation Dugout, Indian Village, Festubert, June 1915


SKU: 8774

Stanley Lewis (1905 - 2009)

View from WW2 billet, Great Burstead,1944
SKU: 10001

Hubert Arthur Finney (1905 - 1991)

Portrait of a Woman, 1932


SKU: 3024

Robert Austin (1895 - 1973)

Santa Barbara


SKU: 2033

John Cecil Stephenson (1889 - 1965)

Abstract in dark and light blue and brown


SKU: 5971

Percy Horton (1897 - 1970)

‘On this occasion there was the usual confusion’ 1925


SKU: 4985

Percy Horton (1897 - 1970)

Portrait study


SKU: 4379

Raymond Sheppard (1913 - 1958)

Monarch of the Glen, circa 1935


SKU: 8744

David Evans (1929 - 1988)

Wild of poppies
