Art for Sale

Our gallery is exclusively online and offers around 1500 works of art for sale. We do not have a showroom or participate in art fairs. This leaves us free to follow our passions with frequent online themed exhibitions
offering museum quality art at affordable prices by some of the greatest talents of the Twentieth Century. Most of our art is sourced directly from artists’ estates and from private collections.

We show prices on as many of our works as possible. Forthcoming indicates that a work is being held back for an ongoing project or exhibition. Please enquire to know more about a works future availability.

Price: - slider
SKU: 8359

Barnett Freedman (1901 - 1958)

Unfolded proof for Christmas Card Messrs. Faber and Faber


SKU: 10297

Hubert Arthur Finney (1905 - 1991)

Boats in Harbour


SKU: 7010

Frank Brangwyn (1867 - 1956)

Head of Christ I, 1935


SKU: 10184

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Drawing of a woman jumping through a spherical pot-plant, carrying a peony.


SKU: 1376
Sheet of sketches


SKU: 10397

Charles Mahoney (1903 - 1968)

Study of a giant sunflower


SKU: 11050

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketches of men and women involved in various activities, of unknown purpose or destination


SKU: 11163

Marion Wallace Dunlop (1864 - 1942)

A Nymph from Devils in Diverse Shapes, circa 1906


SKU: 8442

Francis Spear (1902 - 1979)

The Kings Lesson by William Morris, part 1, april 26 1919


SKU: 7117

Stanley Lewis (1905 - 2009)

Toy Town, illustration 20
SKU: 6117
The photograph which possibly inspired Jones’ drawing.


SKU: 6485

Frank Brangwyn (1867 - 1956)

Coal Heavers, 1920 (V-3588)


SKU: 563

James Woodford (1893 - 1976)

The Blue Towel, 1920’s /1950’s


SKU: 5685

Robert Austin (1895 - 1973)

Street in Cologne


SKU: 5805

Hubert Arthur Finney (1905 - 1991)

The Christmas Tree, (no 50, pastel)


SKU: 7477

Alfred John Nunney (1897 - 1966)

ew gloves….


SKU: 4244

Peter Brook (1927 - 2009)

Close shave near Halifax – Foggy Morning, c.1970


SKU: 12101

Gustave Louis Jaulmes (1873-1959)

Still life with sun hat and striped shawl, c1930
