Art for Sale

Our gallery is exclusively online and offers around 1500 works of art for sale.  We do not have a showroom or participate in art fairs. This leaves us free to follow our passions with frequent online themed exhibitions
offering museum quality art at affordable prices by some of the greatest talents of the Twentieth Century. Most of our art is sourced directly from artists’ estates and from private collections.

 We show prices on as many of our works as possible. Forthcoming indicates that a work is being held back for an ongoing project or exhibition. Please enquire to know more about a works future availability.

Price: - slider
SKU: 2150

Charles Mahoney (1903 - 1968)

The hearth at Oak Cottage, circua 1938


SKU: 2565

Rosalie Brill (1903 - 1992)

Portrait of the artist’s husband, Reginald Brill, sketching, circa 1930


SKU: 11512

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Landscape 2


SKU: 5024

Edward Halliday (1902 - 1984)

Study of a sculptural head, circ a 1925


SKU: 4584

Raymond Sheppard (1913 - 1958)

North Sea Incident, 1957


SKU: 7654

Hubert Arthur Finney (1905 - 1991)

Self Portrait


SKU: 8436

Clare Leighton (1898 - 1989)

Man Drinking from a Gourd


SKU: 8098

David Evans (1929 - 1988)

The Rose-coloured City, circa 1980


SKU: 4785

Anne Newland (1913 - 1997)

Cloth draped over a chest, 1939


SKU: 1619

Robert Austin (1895 - 1973)

Bell No. 2 (1927) Campbell Dodgson 73


SKU: 11924

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketch for Milking Practice with Artificial Udders


SKU: 2648

Dorothy Mahoney [nee Bishop] (1902 - 1984)

Study from the Queen Mary Psalter, late 1920’s


SKU: 6372

Alan Sorrell (1904 - 1974)

Portrait of Evelyn Gibbs, circa 1929


SKU: 11912

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Illustration 2 for A Farm Dictionary


SKU: 4925

Arthur Kemp (1906 - 1968)

The Orchestra


SKU: 11057

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Study of a WAAF at RAF Gravesend, 1944


SKU: 4003

Kenneth Rowntree (1915 - 1997)

Falling Rain with Raised Flag


SKU: 3958

Robert Austin (1895 - 1973)

Venice, Palazzo Pisani Moretta
