Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Studies for the cover of Gardeners Choice, 1936-37 [HMO 363]


SKU: 6692
Pencil, pen and ink on paper
10 1/2 x 14 in. (27 x 35.5 cm)


Height – 27cm x Width – 35.5cm

1 in stock


The Hammer Mill Oast Collection
Exhibited: Evelyn Dunbar – The Lost Works, Pallant House Gallery, October 2015 – February 2016, cat 35.

Literature: Evelyn Dunbar – The Lost Works, Sacha Llewellyn & Paul Liss, July 2015, cat. 35, page 84-85.




Gardeners’ Choice

“Following the completion of the Brockley murals Evelyn Dunbar looked for ways to
earn some money, and was fortunate to be asked by Catherine Carswell, a Hampstead
neighbour, to illustrate her and her husband’s book The Scots Week-End and Caledonian
Vade-Mecum for Host, Guest and Wayfarer, inspired by Francis Meynell’s The Week-
End Book. Following its publication by Routledge in the summer of 1936 she asked
one of the partners, Mr Ragg, whether the firm had anything horticultural she could
illustrate: his reply was negative unless you can suggest someone who could write
something really new on gardening.’ She passed this on to Charles Mahoney with
the comment Now mate what about it.’ (quoted Gill Clarke, p.54) Thus the seeds of
Gardeners’ Choice were sown.
Although her earlier children’s book illustrations tended to be soapily pretty in a
Margaret Tarrantish manner, for The Scots Week-End Book she honed a more incisive
style of black pen and ink drawing, refining this further for Gardeners’ Choice to create
illustrations reminiscent of those in early herbals or eighteenth century chapbooks.
That up to this stage she did not have a clearly defined style is born out by her wash
illustration for Wuthering Heights (CAT 129) commissioned for an article by Kenneth
Clark in the November 1936 issue of Signature, which, like some of Paul Nash’s early
work, is in a distinctly pre-raphaelite manner. However for Gardeners’ Choice she
reverted exclusively to pen and ink.
The division of labour between Dunbar and Mahoney in Gardeners’ Choice is to all
intents and purpose indistinguishable. The introductory chapter, Community of Plants’,
demonstrates their close collaboration: In this book we present a small selection of plants which our practical knowledge of gardening and our personal outlook have led us to make.
In addition to our natural pleasure in beautiful plants and our experience in raising and
cultivating them, we have gained a close intimacy through drawing and painting them.
We have observed them as artists as well as gardeners, and have necessarily been
made aware not only of the garden value of a plant and the intrinsic beauty of its flower, but of proportions, forms and contrasts, of the subtle relations of the leaf to the bloom, or the plant to its neighbour. These observations have bred in us an animate point of view which is the inspiration of our experimental gardening and the basis of our writing.’
This fusion of authorship applies as much to drawings as to text. Gill Clarke in her 2006 book, Evelyn Dunbar: War and Country, suggested that Dunbar did the vignettes with Mahoney drawing the main large plates’, (GC p.58) but with the evidence before us in this exhibition of Dunbar’s drawings of the cyclamen, eryngiums and snake’s head
fritillary (CAT 45, 42, 43) ‚Äì respectively reproduced on pages 55, 81 and 89 in Gardeners’ Choice ‚Äì such a distinction no longer holds good.
Looking at the ten studies of Gladiolus tristis presented here (CAT 46-55) it is instructive to note how obsessively Dunbar drew and redrew each plate to achieve the clarity and precision she and Mahoney were seeking. It is also interesting to realise that, despite such claims in Community of Plants’ (p.7) as: With one of us Hieraceum aurantiacum… has behaved most meekly for years… With the other it has shown signs of becoming a menace to a small garden’, Mahoney did not have a garden of his own until he and his brother bought Oak Cottage at Wrotham in 1937, the year Gardeners’ Choice was published. It is possible that he grew some plants in his mother’s small back garden at Anerley on the Kentish-London border but most of the plants discussed were probably grown at The Cedars, and in the sheet of sketches (CAT 56-58) we get several vignettes of Mahoney seated in the garden there drawing diligently..”
Peyton Skipwith

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We openly acknowledge the use of information from other sites including Wikipedia, artbiogs.co.uk and Tate.org and other public domains. We are grateful for the use of this information and we openly invite any comments on how to improve the accuracy of what we have posted.


Evelyn Dunbar
1906 - 1960

Evelyn Dunbar studied at Rochester School of Art, Chelsea School
of Art (1927) and the Royal College of Art (1929’33). She painted
murals from 1933 -36 at Brockley School, a collaboration with her
RCA tutor (and lover) Cyril Mahoney (1903’1968) and in 1937
they wrote and illustrated together Gardeners’ Choice. 

In 1938 she set up the Blue Gallery in Rochester, exhibiting her
own work alongside that of Edward Bawden (1903’1989) and
Barnett Freedman (1901’1958) and others. In 1940 she was
appointed an official war artist, becoming the only woman (amongst
36 men) to be given a full time salaried position by the WAAC. 

She held her only solo exhibition at Withersdane, Wye, Kent
in 1953, although the WAAC included numerous pieces in touring
exhibitions ranging from Aberdeen Art Gallery to MOMA, New York. 

A posthumous exhibition was held in 2006 at St Barbe
Museum and Art Gallery, and in 2015 Liss Llewellyn mounted a
major retrospective of her recently rediscovered studio at Pallant
House Gallery. 


SKU: 12112

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Study for Joseph in Prison, 1949-50


SKU: 12110

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Under the Mulberry tree – Tired out!


SKU: 12109

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Strolling in the garden


SKU: 12100

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

The Arboretum in the garden of the Cedars


SKU: 12099

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Gilliena Trifoliata with Trowel – Gardeners Choice, 1939


SKU: 11974

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Pruning in the Orchard


SKU: 11100

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Royal College of Art Sketch Club Annual Summer Camp, 1930


SKU: 11944

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketch for Opportunity, 1936


SKU: 11943

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Schematic plan for An English Calendar, 1938


SKU: 11942

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Various sketches including Putti playing instruments, 1937


SKU: 11941

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Boys at play, 1933


SKU: 11938

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketches for A Farm Dictionary (Evans Bros., London, 1953)


SKU: 11614

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Seated Nude Study


SKU: 11934

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Letterhead proof for The Children’s Shop c. 1950


SKU: 11925

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Study for a Christmas card design, 1942 [HMO 340]


SKU: 11922

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Studies of Young Girl


SKU: 11921

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Study of Dipsacus fullonum (common teasel)


SKU: 11918

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Fashion studies


SKU: 11917

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

House and Garden – Greetings to you!


SKU: 11916

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Basket with Fruit and Flowers (2)


SKU: 11914

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Drawing of Carved Oak Buffet, 19th Century


SKU: 11912

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Illustration 2 for A Farm Dictionary


SKU: 11911

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Figures for Farm Dictionary Illustration


SKU: 12111

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

The Dunbar Family in the Garden at The Cedars


SKU: 11612

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Standing Nude Studies


SKU: 11642

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Woman Sewing c.1925


SKU: 11636

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketches of clarinets


SKU: 11631

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketch for Bedtime, c.1926


SKU: 11630

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Story Time, c.1926


SKU: 11627

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Fancy Dress Ball, 1926


SKU: 11625

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Service! c. 1924


SKU: 11623

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Laddie, The Intruder, c.1923


SKU: 11622

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

What fools…c.1926


SKU: 11615

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Unidentified Woman with Parrot Brooch, c. 1927
SKU: 11613

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Reclining Male Nude Study


SKU: 11611

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Head and Shoulders Male Study


SKU: 11609

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

April Fool!


SKU: 11508

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sacred Music on Sundays’


SKU: 11509

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Farm Illustration 4


SKU: 11511

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Landscape 1


SKU: 11512

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Landscape 2


SKU: 11513

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Artist Sketching


SKU: 11514

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

View over fields


SKU: 11515

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

View across farm buildings


SKU: 11524

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Girl Playing the Banjo


SKU: 11489

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Design for a Christmas Card


SKU: 11491

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketch for An English Calendar 1938


SKU: 11494

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Unidentified study, c.1956


SKU: 11497

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Florence Dunbar Peeling Apples c.1922


SKU: 11501

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Christmas Tree in a pot


SKU: 11503

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Speciality Dancers
SKU: 11506

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketches and motifs for a Christmas card design, 1946


SKU: 11507

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Illustration for A Farm Dictionary


SKU: 11488

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Unidentified Design


SKU: 11468

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Seated Nude Study 2


SKU: 11469

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Nude Study of Woman Sitting


SKU: 11474

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Nude Study with Hand on Hip


SKU: 11475

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Seated Nude Study 1


SKU: 11477

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketches of two Land Girls featuring in Men Stooking and Girls Learning to Stook. Pencil 1940


SKU: 11478

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketches for the personification of April for the Country Life 1938 Gardener’s Diary.


SKU: 11480

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)



SKU: 11482

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Study for Seated Woman reading


SKU: 11483

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Study for Seated Woman


SKU: 11486

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketch for Joseph in Prison, 1947


SKU: 11460

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Various Figure Studies including a Ballerina


SKU: 11461

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Nude Study with artist at work


SKU: 11462

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Nude Figure Studies


SKU: 11464

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Chalk Nude Study with Sketching Figure in Foreground


SKU: 11466

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sitting Nude Study with Umbrella


SKU: 11448

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Wheelbarrow Study


SKU: 11452

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Studies for A Farm Dictionary (Evans Brothers, London) 1953


SKU: 11453

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Farming Sketch


SKU: 11455

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Plant studies, probably in connection with Country Life 1938 Gardener’s Diary.


SKU: 11456

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Flowers study


SKU: 11459

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Flower Study


SKU: 11440

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Portrait sketch of unidentified WAAF officer, 1944


SKU: 11442

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Studies for Standing by on Train 21.


SKU: 11443

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

The horse gin


SKU: 11444

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Farmer with Shoulder Yolk – Study for Farm Dictionary


SKU: 11445

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)



SKU: 11447

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

‘Bottle, Bowl, Box’


SKU: 11177

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Invitation to the Garden , circa 1938


SKU: 11103

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Pencil sketch for Portrait of an Airwoman, 1944


SKU: 11096

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)



SKU: 11095

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Portrait of a Musician, 1924


SKU: 11086

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Trenching or double-digging, 1938


SKU: 11087

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

A diagrammatic explanation of trenching or double digging


SKU: 11088

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

A diagrammatic explanation of trenching or double digging


SKU: 11089

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Cape Capers!


SKU: 11082

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Seated Model with Hairstyle à la poissarde’, early 1930s,


SKU: 11075

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

The Harvest of Hay, 1954


SKU: 11074

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Nude standing with hand on thigh


SKU: 11066

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Portrait Sketch of a Friend


SKU: 11068

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Four studies of a nude standing leaning against a partition


SKU: 11064

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Hop-picking, sketch for Farming Weekly, March 1954.


SKU: 11057

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Study of a WAAF at RAF Gravesend, 1944


SKU: 11050

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sketches of men and women involved in various activities, of unknown purpose or destination


SKU: 11047

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Sheet of unconnected sketches. Pencil, crayon c.1954


SKU: 11049

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

Potato Harvesting, 1954


SKU: 10457

Evelyn Dunbar (1906 - 1960)

The garden of The Elms, 1956
