Joseph Simpson


Simpson, Joseph

1879 – 1939

Painter, illustrator and printmaker who was born and educated in Carlisle and who studied at the Glasgow School of Art, before moving to London in 1905.

He in initially designed posters and was soon befriended and encouraged by Frank Brangwyn.

Simpson exhibited at the Baillie Gallery, Brook Street Art Gallery, Fitzwilliam Museum, GI, ISSPG, Walker Art Gallery, Leicester Galleries, London Salon, RBA who elected him a member in 1908, RSA and RSW.

He was an Official War Artist with the RAF in World War I.

Works by Simpson are in the collections of the Ashmolean Museum, Hunterian, IWM, Scottish National Portrait Gallery and Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery.

The Etched Work of Joseph Simpson by H. Granville Fell. Published by J.M. Dent and Sons, London, 1932

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Joseph Simpson


Simpson, Joseph

1879 – 1939

Painter, illustrator and printmaker who was born and educated in Carlisle and who studied at the Glasgow School of Art, before moving to London in 1905.

He in initially designed posters and was soon befriended and encouraged by Frank Brangwyn.

Simpson exhibited at the Baillie Gallery, Brook Street Art Gallery, Fitzwilliam Museum, GI, ISSPG, Walker Art Gallery, Leicester Galleries, London Salon, RBA who elected him a member in 1908, RSA and RSW.

He was an Official War Artist with the RAF in World War I.

Works by Simpson are in the collections of the Ashmolean Museum, Hunterian, IWM, Scottish National Portrait Gallery and Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery.

The Etched Work of Joseph Simpson by H. Granville Fell. Published by J.M. Dent and Sons, London, 1932

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SKU: 8519

Joseph Simpson (1879 - 1939)

Self Portrait, The Artist Standing, 1925


SKU: 7932

Joseph Simpson (1879 - 1939)

Portrait of D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930)



SKU: 357

Joseph Simpson (1879 - 1939)